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31 May 2023 05:42 - 27 Jun 2023 07:05 #47252 by hellene

Dear students, teachers, and music lovers,

As you are aware, our revolutionary Soft Mozart technology and Hiner Method have positioned us at the forefront of music education worldwide. However, we find ourselves evolving in an environment that inhibits our progress. The music industry continues to prioritize slow and inefficient teaching methods for their own financial gain, taking advantage of people's trust. Unlike any other school, we guarantee 100% learning outcomes.

Nevertheless, we are not a corporation. To us, each and every one of you is not just a client but a conduit for new information. Your feedback on how our program has transformed your relationship with music is of utmost importance, not only to our team but also to the millions who are still being misled, learning isolated and ineffective elements of music.

In light of this, starting from June 1, 2023, in order to receive subscription renewal at the lowest prices, we kindly request that you take the following steps and subscribe to our platforms that are available for your country/region:

Leave a review for the annual subscription if you are using the program for the first year. Please focus your review on the software and the course. You can do this here: globalmusiceducation.com/products/annual-package-eng

Leave a review for the three-year subscription if you have been using the program for more than a year. You can do this here: globalmusiceducation.com/products/36-months-english

Subscribe to the author's YouTube channel where we share educational content. You can find it here: www.youtube.com/@SoftWaytoMozart

Follow our Facebook page. You can find it here: www.facebook.com/SoftMozart

Join the Soft Mozart group here: www.facebook.com/groups/432602623460629

Connect with us on Instagram HERE

Find us on TikTok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@softmozartofficial

Join our group on VKontakte here: vk.com/doremifasoft and here: vk.com/public46548346

Join our group on Odnoklassniki here: ok.ru/softmozart

Subscribe to our newsletters here: www.getdrip.com/forms/496071530/submissions/new

!!! Most importantly, on our forum, we will regularly provide information for you to share on your social networks !!!

When you renew your subscription for the upcoming term, we will take into account your social activity in the effort to safeguard music education.


The Soft Mozart Team and Hellene Hiner, Author

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Last edit: 27 Jun 2023 07:05 by hellene.

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05 Jun 2023 05:50 - 05 Jun 2023 06:08 #47302 by hellene
June 5 - 12, 2023

Spread the following information about Guido of Arezzo, the creator of music literacy:

Guido was a Christian monk who revolutionized music education by introducing a groundbreaking notation system. He was the first to place music notes on lines and in between them. In Soft Mozart, we follow Guido's invention by coloring all the line notes red and the space notes blue. Since this is the fundamental rule of music notation, with all notes either on a line or in a space, we find it unnecessary to use different colors for different notes.

Additionally, Guido devised a symmetrical music system where sounds and music notes are visually interconnected. He also described the order of the white piano keys and a black key, forming the blueprint for modern pianos.

Soft Mozart Academy is a school that builds upon Guido's system, further developing and enhancing it.

Beside this page, please, share:

1. This chapter of the book "You CAN be musician the book "You CAN be musician

2. Watch this video and spread info about it:

Subscribe to the channel (if not subscribed), watch the video to the end and share this information on your social networks. Every person should know about this. This sensational knowledge, unfortunately, is hidden from us.

Feel free to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know that you have completed this assignment, if it is time for you to obtain our license.

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Last edit: 05 Jun 2023 06:08 by hellene.

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12 Jun 2023 06:40 - 12 Jun 2023 06:43 #47401 by hellene

Hellene Hiner received a rigorous musical education from teachers who were direct students of Prokofiev and Shostakovich. However, it was never taught in the musical educational institutions of the USSR that the musical system is integral and unified.

The later it turned out that not a single musical institution in the world possesses this information. None of the most prestigious schools in the world, including Julliard, are aware that the notes and white keys visually form a unified whole and constitute a symmetrical system and framework for music education.

Moreover, the treatises of Guido of Arezzo, the creator of our modern notation, are not studied in music schools. Even a Wikipedia article about him only casually mentions that Guido arranged the notes on lines and spaces.

In fact, the binary arrangement of notes is the most important aspect in teaching musical literacy.

Despite this obvious fact, global musical practice does not train the eyes of beginners to read lines and spaces. Instead, students' attention is drawn to the specific characteristics of each note:

In all the elementary textbooks, methods, and techniques for teaching music literacy, there is no consideration for the most important fact about each note: it can either be on a line or between lines. It is precisely this fact that the eyes of a person reading notes encounter.

Otherwise, one could arrange notes of different colors or with different names in a single row, as it was before Guido of Arezzo, and differentiate them in that way.

In the entire field of music pedagogy, there is a complete lack of respect and understanding for this crucial fact. It is precisely for this reason that only a small handful of gifted individuals emerge among all beginners, while the majority remains musically illiterate.

In the 18th century, music education was taken over by the idea of child prodigy. Little Mozart became a symbol of the notion that the main focus in musical education is hearing rather than visual perception.

Let's start with the fact that young Mozart initially had advantages compared to all other children: he was born into a family of a musician and educator who could guide and direct him 24/7.

However, the greatest tragedy of humanity was the division of people into those capable and incapable of music, which led to the development of learned helplessness in the majority of individuals.

Such inequality became the breeding ground for the emergence of fascism and elitism. Ultimately, the very idea of division undermined not only musical culture but also the culture of humanity as a whole, leading to tragic events such as wars and destructive conflicts.

It turns out that the wrong approach in music education fuels and justifies the idea of dividing people and the world into separate fragments.

To this day, despite the obvious effectiveness of our method, it is silenced, persecuted, and ridiculed by adherents of the child prodigy theory.

In groups of piano teachers, our comments with links to specific video examples are not allowed. We are being blocked and prevented from speaking the truth.

If each of you shares this information, we will survive and be able to save our children. After all, written musical language develops the brain of each person by combining sound and symbol in the cerebral cortex.

Without your help, our project is doomed.

Weekly task from June 12th to 18th:

Copy and share this information on your social networks.
Watch and like THIS VIDEO .
Share the link to the free DEMO version that anyone can download. It is available here: globalmusiceducation.com/pages/try-it-yourself

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Last edit: 12 Jun 2023 06:43 by hellene.

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